Are you retirement-ready?

Are you retirement-ready?

This question continues to be of concern to many.   BY: Albert Lim   If you were to ask 10 people this question – are you retirement-ready, about 80 percent to 90 percent of people will honestly say that they are not.  It is common for many people not to...
7 reasons you can’t retire

7 reasons you can’t retire

Do you look to your golden years with a sense of joy or fear? What kind of retirement do you see for yourself? BY: Robin Ann Rheaume Many people reach retirement age without enough money to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. The situation is often worse for women who,...
Retirement & following my dreams

Retirement & following my dreams

Retirement does not mean a journey downhill but a life filled with more adventure. BY: Francis Lim    People look at retirement in many different ways; some perhaps even with a sense of trepidation and worry. The general perception is that once you have crossed...
Manage your cashflow

Manage your cashflow

Build your nest egg for at least 20 years or more and enjoy a comfortable retirement.   Most of us strived hard during our working years to build our retirement nest egg. However, we must also not neglect the importance of managing our money prudently during our...
Our seniors – ascending the next higher peak

Our seniors – ascending the next higher peak

Stereotyping of seniors as being frail or in need of help is a major disservice to those who are leading active lives and contributing back to society. BY: Tan Peng Ann   Growing old is a natural process. As we pass the age of 55 (the age where we can officially...